Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Woman Holding the Shotgun...yep, that's me!

Let me introduce myself: I'm Melyssa, Jenn's sister-in-law. I have 5 girls, ages 12 yrs down to 10 months. After each of my pregnancies, I've been able to lose my baby weight pretty effortlessly. Eat right and exercise and the pounds fall off. Last year, in August, I had twin girls and I am finding it much more difficult to lose all of my weight. I'm 35 now, so maybe that's why? I also got bigger with them than with my others. Go figure. So, for this competition, I'm counting calories and exercising regularly. I've been a regular runner since I was 6, so running has always been my go-to exercise. I'm nursing an ankle-injury at the moment, so I'm taking it slow and running low miles, but I'm registered for a 1/2 marathon in August, so I've gotta get some miles in some time! I'm seeing a specialist in a couple weeks and hope I'll be lacing up for some long runs after that. I'm excited to be part of Biggest Loser FRIENDS and look forward to meeting each of you! And, maybe when we finish this up, we can all go out for ice cream salad! :)

Wait a sec. I know exactly why I'm overweight. I love food. I'd say I have a borderline food addiction.  I know exactly how I'm supposed to eat- I was raised by health-nut parents- but I have definitely ignored some of their teachings over the years and I'm paying for it now. I'm trying very hard to eat more leafy greens and fruits and lean proteins. And less sugar. So, that's it. I love food, but need to change the foods I love.


  1. Thanks for the intro! Where is the half marathon? I'm so glad you're doing this with us. You inspire me!

  2. That's awesome you are going to do the half-marathon!

  3. Half Marathon...Amazing! I really want to do one. I did a 10K in May and thought about doing a half at the beginning of July but I kinda needed an exercise change. But I loved the 10K! Hopefully I'll do a few 5K's and maybe even another 10K this summer. I hope your injury heals quickly!
