Friday, June 15, 2012

Week 1 Weigh-in Results!!

Well, I have to say -- you guys ROCKED it this week!! What an amazing first week -- we lost a combined total of 28.7 pounds!! That's about as much as my two year old weighs. We lost a two year old!

We are having computer woes right now, so I may change how I do results in the future, but for now I just wanted to get the results posted.

Order goes highest to lowest -- in terms of weight loss percentage. This week's top spot goes to ANN!! Congrats, Ann!!

1. Ann            -2.57%
2. Mary          -2.45%
3. Melyssa      -2.22%
4. Tiffany        -2.19%
5. Andy          -2.07%
6. Jenn           -1.59%
7. Aaron        -1.31%
8. Jenny         -0.76%
9. Alicia          0.0%

FYI -- I jumped the gun in the video by adding Marylee (the boxer) before she had completely decided on doing it. So she is not competing after all, but my good friend (I can still call you a good friend even if I haven't seen you in over 9 years, right?), Tiffany, stepped up and took her spot! (Maybe she'll introduce herself soon....hint hint. :)) So we still have 9 contestants for $135 in the pot. Some money to buy some new clothes for your new body!! :)

For those that didn't feel like they had a great week, don't worry! This contest will have tons of ups and downs -- it might be you on top next week! Just keep pushing it! And remember, if you haven't done so already, to MEASURE yourself -- EVERYWHERE. There will be weeks when no weight comes off (on the scale), but your body IS changing. Seeing those numbers change is very encouraging!

Great job EVERYONE!! Now, for real, I want to know what everyone is doing for their diet and exercise. Please share!!


  1. Good job everyone! 28.7 pounds! So exciting! (Trying to compete with Jenn's exclamation points :) Anyhow, what I did this week...went out of town to Mom's house and ate cookies, brownies and ice cream, celebrated my husband's birthday and had cake and went out to Texas Roadhouse, helped with a baby shower and had to take treats. BUT, I did write down everything I ate and tried to stay within my Weight Watchers points. And even though I used more points than I was supposed to at times, I didn't go crazy like I normally would. I also exercised everyday. So, it is still possible to go out of town, out to eat, and celebrate special occasions and still lose weight. I just wanted to share that cause I know that being on a "diet" or making a lifestyle change can make you feel deprived. But as long as you are accountable for what you eat, plan ahead, and try to make healthy choices you can still enjoy and be successful. I love Jenn's thought, "I can have that, but I don't want it." I'm going to be testing that out this week cause I have got to do something about my sweet tooth. :)

  2. Wow, I like your diet better! And it's more effective?? I can see you doing infomercials now marketing it. ;D Whatever you did, it worked! Congrats!

  3. No, not more effective. :) Compared to you, I probably have a lot more to lose so it came off easier. And I had just gained that weight so it wanted to come off. :) Now, as I get closer to my goal I will need to be more strict and the weight will come off slower.

  4. Wow, Ann! Good for you. Funny...we also went out of town and also celebrated my husband's birthday. I didn't lose much but anything negative is positive for me right now :) For exercise, I'm using the Couch to 5K program (running one in August) and a DVD for days I'm not running. Bike riding with the kids has been good too. We love the roasted red pepper hummus and the jalepeno Greek yogurt dip from Costco. They both are good with sweet mini peppers and the yogurt is also good as a salad dressing. I also find myself chewing a lot more gum when I get some craving but know I don't need to eat.

  5. I'm doing the Couch to 5k, too! What week are you on? I just started week 2. Can't wait to hear how your 5k in August goes. When in August is it? Good job signing up for one! Sorry I'm so curious, but what DVD are you doing? :)

  6. Well, it was more like I was signed up for the is just a family thing at our reunion in Colorado but I am trying to make it sound official :) It's in the middle of August and I'm on week 4 of the running. I like how the C25K alternates walking and running. I feel like I could walk forever but won't ever enjoy running until I'm at a lower weight. I hope someday I reach the point people tell me about: when you can spend your time running to think. I guess I do think when I am running but it is mostly, "how much further/longer?" ha!
    Anyway, do you get the email from blogger whenever someone comments? Can you set it so any of us could get those too? I am interested to hear what people say without coming back to check each post.

    1. Sorry, Jenny, I thought it was already emailing everyone with comments/follow up comments because I get emailed. I just looked at the settings and don't see a way to change it to do that. On each post in the comments there is a "subscribe by email" that will email you comments if you click on it, but not sure how to change it so that it will email everyone every comment. Any ideas?

  7. Oh, and I have that same Jilian DVD you have.
