Monday, June 18, 2012

Late start, but ready to go!

Hey, everyone! I am finally taking Jenn's hint and introducing myself. My name is Tiffany Opp (used to be Taylor). Jenn and I were in the same ward for several years in high school and became great friends, and yes, I would say that we still are even though we're far apart and haven't seen each other in forever. We had a LOT of fun times, staying up late, watching X-Files, eating billions of sunflower seeds, and hanging out with church friends (Hi Jenny!).
I live in sunny Florida with my husband and 4 kids. I have been trying (I use that term loosely) for the last year to lose the last of my pregnancy weight. I have sadly come to realize that I have reached the point in my life where I can no longer eat whatever I like and still drop lbs. Until now that hasn't translated into me actually eating less though :).
I have always been pretty active, having 4 kids to chase helps, but I am often so busy and/or tired that I don't feel like exercising. I force myself to go to the gym but its usually only 1-2 times a week, which is obviously not enough. I am really hoping that this competiton will help me stay motivated so that I can get back to feeling better about myself, and fitting in the clothes still sitting in a bin in my garage. Week 1 was good and I am excited to keep going, and look forward to hearing more about/ from all of you. Best of luck to everyone!


  1. Oh the sunflower seeds! I seriously think I gained 10 lbs from all the seeds I used to eat! Bag after bag... I was so addicted to those things. We did have a lot of fun -- I hope I can see you again next time you come to Utah. :) Not sure the next time I'll be in Florida...

    So glad you're in this with me -- you're going to do awesome!!

    1. Oh my gosh, I know! Those dang sunflower seeds are still a weakness of mine. If they are in sight, they will be in my mouth, and I cannot stop eating them until the bag is empty.:) I am hoping to make it to Utah this year sometime, maybe in the fall. It would be so great to see you!!

  2. Hi to you too, Tiffany! It's fun to hear a little of what you are up to in life.
