Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Happy Fourth of July everyone! I'm on vacation right now and I was doing perrrrfectly with my diet & exercise, but the longer I'm away from home, the harder it's getting to stay focused. I've made some poor food choices yesterday & today. This is bad!!! I need a kick in the pants from all of you! Remind me why I'm here! Sigh. Thanks.


  1. I hear ya! Yesterday, on the 4th, was the first time during this challenge that I really let myself go. :) But I decided to just forget about it and start again today. I may have a gain this week but I am just going to try to look forward to doing better now for next week's weigh in. Sometimes when you need a kick in the pants, it might help to write down why you want to lose weight. Remind yourself of why you're doing this. What's motivating you? Keep what you jot down in a place where you can see it often. Remembering why you want to lose weight will help you when you face food challenges.

  2. Vacation is can do it! Just forget about the past couple of days, or use them to figure out how to prevent poor choices. Getting some time for exercise always helps me regain my motivation for eating better. Do you have time for it?

    I'm already a little worried about how things will be when we leave for 3 weeks! For me, family reunions and many hours (40+) in the car are both times when I can easily eat poorly.

    p.s. For what it's worth, yesterday there was a discussion about eating and health on this blog that I read occasionally.

  3. Something that's been helping me when I start to droop in motivation is to look at my BEFORE pics for a while. I think, "Well, I could stop all this and just be like this forever. Is that what I want?" It usually doesn't take long for me to get my exercise clothes on! Ha ha. :) I might even put a before/after pic of me up on the fridge when I reach my goal weight to help remind me constantly how easy it is to put the weight back on and how great I feel when I exercise and eat right.

    Vacation is tough. But I hope you are having a super fun time! I know you can do it!

  4. Thanks for the tips! I woke up this morning and worked out hard and I'm writing down what I eat. I didn't do that the last two days and it's amazing what a difference it makes when I'm recording what I eat. Looking ahead and moving forward! :)
