Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Self sabotage

So, I can start a diet great and be all gung ho, but eventually, I fall into a category that I call self sabotage. It typically starts with a bad weight, or a disappointing loss. Then, although I tell myself that I'm still all for it, a part of me begins to fall apart. I'll start eating things that are not healthy, in much larger quantities than I should, and then be mad and grumpy with everyone because I hate what I'm doing to myself. And while I know it's wrong, and can say I'm going to quit it, it's like this huge rut and the sides are so high that I can't seem to get out. so, I found myself in that place last weekend. It's frustrating and angering, because I don't know how to keep myself from going to that place. On Sunday, after two days of feeling like this and hating myself (I can't ever decide if I want to scream or break down and cry), I found myself sitting in church only casually listening to the speakers. My daughter was playing on my phone and I'll admit that I was paying more attention to her... She was scrolling through my pictures and all of a sudden, came across the picture of the scale from when we first started our venture. I realized that I didn't want to go back to that place. I'm not that far from it, but just don't want to go back. And all of a sudden, I realized that I have the power. Monday morning, I began a new step to my workouts, to change up my routine, and I'm hoping that it will help me focus. I don't expect to lose this week, since I have to pay for my "costly weekend". But I am better than I give myself credit for and I just have to remind myself of that daily.


  1. Thank you for this post, Andy. I totally understand self-sabotage. I am a master at it! I love what you said about having the power, though. We never give ourselves enough credit, I think, but we are capable of SO much more than we think we are. I am constantly reminding myself of this, too.

    I think you have done amazing so far -- you've already lost a lot! The longer you stay consistent with your eating habits and exercise the easier it will become (though there might always be struggles). As I've worked through the weight loss process, I've realized a lot about myself, and, to me, that is just as valuable as the weight loss itself.

    You can do this! I am excited for you and the accomplishments (both small and large) that are ahead for you.

  2. Oh my friend, I can relate. I have daily battles! I start the day exercising and eating perfectly and sometime around 7pm I give up. It's a terrible cycle. Thanks for your honesty. I definitely understand.

    1. Melyssa, one of the things I am starting to figure out is small goals. Let's make small goals together to make it through the day.
