Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Working in more veggies

I was telling my sister last week that I don't feel like I eat enough vegetables. With all of the delicious fruits available right now, that is ALL I want to eat! In that show Hungry for Change that I've mentioned before, one of the guys interviewed talks about how we need to eat more fruit and veggies, but then he says, "Actually, we need more veggies and fruit." -- because of all the great health benefits of veggies. That has stuck with me, because I definitely eat more fruit.

Anyway, my sister has just recently cut way back on her meat intake (to almost nothing), and she suggested I try this veggie sandwich that she makes for her family. Great Harvest whole wheat bread with hummus, pepper jack cheese, red bell peppers, red onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, sprouts, and spinach. I had this for lunch today, and I was FULL -- for a long time. I didn't eat dinner until past 7pm because I just wasn't hungry. Plus, this deliciousness has like 15 grams of protein! If you don't like the veggies shown, try some of your favorites instead -- just pile it high!

How do you work in veggies into your diet? What are some of your favorite ways to eat them?


  1. YUM! I might go shopping right now for some of those veggies! I thought Andrew got this idea from someone at work! I didn't realize it came from Angie! Where do I hear these things? ;) I know I don't eat enough veggies either. Thanks for the recipe!

    1. By the way, I got a roasted garlic hummus -- it's super tasty! But there are lots of other kinds, too, that might be just as good.

      Also, I just looked up health benefits of alfalfa sprouts, and there are a bunch, but once thing is they also have 3 grams of protein per serving -- when I counted up the protein I was just counting the bread and cheese and hummus.

  2. Thanks for this post! We made these sandwiches and took them to the water park last night. I didn't have all the right veggies, but it was still good and I'm going to try it your way soon too.
