Friday, August 31, 2012

Final results!!

Hi all!

Here are the final results with some before/after pics. :)

For this final week, Aaron had a crazy good weight loss. Good job!

1. Aaron        -2.39%
2. Jenny         -1.1%
3. Tiffany      -0.95%
4. Mary        -0.56%
5. Jenn         -0.31%
6. Andy        +0.16%
7. Ann          +0.27%
8. Melyssa   +1.14

And overall, I finished first. Jenny came in second and Andy third. I wish more of you could have sent in your after pics because I loved seeing the ones that did come in. Feel free to post yours on here if you want so that we can all congratulate you on how great you look. :)

Jenny gave me permission to post hers. She looks amazing! Great job, everyone! You all definitely kept me motivated to the very end. Now that I've hit my goals, I just have to work the rest of my life to maintain it!

1. Jenn        -14.27%
2. Jenny      -12.73%
3. Andy      -11.18%
4. Aaron     -9.84%
5. Tiffany    -8.48%
6. Melyssa  -6.66%
7. Ann        -6.17%
8. Mary      -4.24%

Before I had my 5 yr old take my after pics today, I thought I wouldn't be able to see much of a difference in the 20 lbs I lost this summer. I was wrong! 20 lbs is a lot, and it makes a huge difference! I'm glad I took the pictures so that I could SEE it. I hope you all can see it in yours, too. And, as a side note, I think it is genetically impossible for me to have a butt. Just sayin'. I don't know what else I can do. :)

I am going to have my hubby take some pictures of me (wearing more clothes) for my "final reveal." I will post on here in case any one wants to see those. Good luck to all of you and your weight loss journeys! I hope you all feel happy with what you've accomplished this summer.

Did a bad job of covering my back with sunscreen a few weeks ago...

Make sure to click on these to make bigger.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Week 11 Results!

Kind of in the middle of this will be quick! I missed almost all of my workouts, but I still managed to lose a little weight -- probably mostly due to stress!

Top spot goes to Jenny! Woohoo!

1. Jenny       -1.45%
2. Jenn          -1.21%
3. Tiffany      -0.94%
4. Andy        -0.93%
5. Ann           0.0
6. Melyssa     0.0
7. Aaron       +0.88%
8. Mary        +1.37%

And overall --

1. Jenn        -14%
2. Jenny       -11.76%
3. Andy       -11.32%
4. Melyssa   -7.71%
5. Aaron      -7.63%
6. Tiffany     -7.6%
7. Ann         -6.43%
8. Mary       -3.7%

Just one more week, guys! Good luck to all!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition

For those of you who like reality shows about losing weight, I think this is a great one -- Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition. I've been missing my Biggest Loser fix every week, but I found this one recently, and it has really helped keep me motivated.

If you haven't seen EM before, it follows one person's weight loss journey over a year. They lose an incredible amount of weight and work on overcoming their fears -- it is very inspiring! They are usually completely different people -- inside and out -- by the end. It's had me reflecting on how amazing it is that a person can completely change who they are in like 6 months. I love it.

Week 10 results!

Wow! We had a great week this week. We lost 15.8 lbs! I think that is our 3rd best week so far. As a group we have lost 130.3 lbs!! That is so good. That's probably more than the skinny girl in the picture weighs. 

Just two more weigh-ins to go! Let's finish strong!

This week's top spot goes to Melyssa! Woohoo!

1. Melyssa   -2.11%
2. Andy      -1.67%
3. Jenn      -1.49%
4. Mary      -1.47%
5. Aaron     -1.3%
6. Jenny     -1.07%
7. Ann        0
8. Tiffany   +0.63%

And overall numbers --

1. Jenn     -12.95%
2. Andy     -10.49%
3. Jenny    -10.46%
4. Aaron    -8.43%
5. Melyssa  -7.71%
6. Tiffany  -6.73%
7. Ann      -6.43%
8. Mary     -5.01%

Not sure what is up with the formatting this week -- looks goofy.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Week 9 Results!!

Okay, here are this week's results...

The top spot goes to Ann this week!! Way to go!

1. Ann         -2.93%
2. Tiffany     -1.71%
3. Andy       -0.98%
4. Jenn        -0.89%
5. Jenny      -0.59%
6. Aaron     -0.22%
7. Melyssa  +1%
8. Mary      +1.37%

And overall --

1. Jenn         -11.62%
2. Jenny        -9.49%
3. Andy        -8.97%
4. Tiffany      -7.31%
5. Aaron       -7.23%
6. Ann          -6.43%
7. Melyssa    -5.72%
8. Mary        -3.59%

Hope you all have a great week!!

Want to go another round?

Got a little more to lose?

I've had people ask me if I would do a Biggest Loser 2 after this one ends. I would love to! I will not participate again myself, but I'd be happy to host it again for anyone interested. So let me know what you guys are thinking about it, and if you want to keep on keepin' on. If we get enough people, then I will do it again. So start spreading the word now to see if we can get a good group together.

We still have 3 weeks to go in this one, though, so let's make the most of it! Week 9 results are coming soon!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Week 8 Results!

Hi all! Sorry this is a bit late, but we are preparing to move, and things are a little bit crazy around here. We're moving a bunch of stuff tonight to Idaho to store at Andrew's dad's house. Can't wait to get this stuff out of here!! We're moving to Springville at the end of the month.

Anyway, this week's results --

First place goes to Aaron! Good job, Aaron!

1. Aaron               -1.59%
2. Jenn                  -1.46%
3. Jenny                -1.40%
4. Melyssa            -0.99%
5. Andy                -0.67%
6. Mary                  0
7. Alicia                  0
8. Tiffany              +1.57%
9. Ann                  +2.18%

And overall results --

1. Jenn          -10.83%
2. Jenny          -8.95%
3. Andy          -8.07%
4. Aaron         -7.03%
5. Melyssa      -6.66%
6. Tiffany        -5.7%
7. Mary          -4.9%
8. Ann            -3.6%
9. Alicia         +1.82%

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I'm giving up sugar!

Anyone with me?

I'm giving it up for several reasons. First, it's bad for me. There's really no redemptive value in refined sugar. I do plan to still have unrefined sugars like pure maple syrup and honey, but not in excess and not until I'm over my addiction. Second, I think it is the only thing holding me back from losing. I tend to eat little treats at night. Guess what? Those treats ALWAYS have sugar in them, and usually a lot of it. I never crave almonds or string cheese at night. Because of my late-night snacking, I often exceed my daily caloric goal. If I stop with the sugar, this should help me stay in my calorie range, right? Lastly, I'm always talking to my kids about the evils of too much sugar, but I'm not taking my own advice. It's time to care about the way I eat and show my family that eating healthy IS possible and is enjoyable.

It's almost 4pm and I haven't had any sugar so far today. A small victory, but one nonetheless!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Week 7 Results!

Sorry this is later than normal today. My parents are here right now, so this really will be short this week. Good job everyone!

This week's top spot goes to me --

1. Jenn           -1.44%
2. Mary          -1.24%
3. Tiffany        -1.09%
4. Jenny          -1.04%
5. Andy          -0.81%
6. Melyssa      -0.74%
7. Ann            -0.54%
8. Alicia           0.0
9. Aaron          +1.07%

And overall results --

1. Jenn          -9.51%
2. Jenny         -7.66%
3. Andy         -7.45%
4. Tiffany       -7.16%
5. Melyssa     -5.72%
6. Ann           -5.66%
7. Aaron        -5.52%
8. Mary         -4.9%   
9. Alicia         +1.82%

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Working in more veggies

I was telling my sister last week that I don't feel like I eat enough vegetables. With all of the delicious fruits available right now, that is ALL I want to eat! In that show Hungry for Change that I've mentioned before, one of the guys interviewed talks about how we need to eat more fruit and veggies, but then he says, "Actually, we need more veggies and fruit." -- because of all the great health benefits of veggies. That has stuck with me, because I definitely eat more fruit.

Anyway, my sister has just recently cut way back on her meat intake (to almost nothing), and she suggested I try this veggie sandwich that she makes for her family. Great Harvest whole wheat bread with hummus, pepper jack cheese, red bell peppers, red onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, sprouts, and spinach. I had this for lunch today, and I was FULL -- for a long time. I didn't eat dinner until past 7pm because I just wasn't hungry. Plus, this deliciousness has like 15 grams of protein! If you don't like the veggies shown, try some of your favorites instead -- just pile it high!

How do you work in veggies into your diet? What are some of your favorite ways to eat them?

Monday, July 23, 2012

My "Secret"

Ann asked in a comment on the last post what I think the secret has been to my success, so I thought I'd post about it. There are several things that have contributed to my success -- not just one all-encompassing secret -- and the combination of all of them has made the difference for me. This is the experience that I've had -- it's a completely personal one, and in no way am I saying everyone should do what I've done because it's the only way to lose weight. Find out what works for you! I just thought I'd share in case it helps anyone. I would love for others to post about this, too, and describe why they've had the success they've had.

I've mentioned here before that I lost weight a few years ago with some success. I lost about 30 lbs, but it took about 7 months or longer (if I remember right). I did that by eating less of the same foods and adding in daily exercise.

Here's what I've done differently this time around (not in any order of importance): 

  • I've cut calories to 1200 a day. When I've told people that they act like I'm starving myself, but I promise you I'm not. At first it was hard to adjust to that number, but it didn't take long before that was satisfying. And now, I have a hard time envisioning myself eating more than that when I'm ready to maintain. I wanted to see the weight come off faster, and I believe this helped significantly.
  • I think now in terms of "healthy" and not "skinny." My husband has tried to tell me this for years. Whenever I'd start to complain about my weight and how unhappy I was about how heavy I was and how I was once again (!!) determined to get thin, he would always say, "Forget about being skinny. Focus on being healthy." But, I'm not kidding, no matter how many times I heard him say this to me, I'd be thinking, "Yeah, okay. That's really just husband-speak for 'I can't wait for you to get skinny again'." But NOW I get it. He was right!

I had a heart scare when I first began this weight loss journey -- tightness in my chest, heart palpitations, etc. It freaked me out!! For the FIRST time, I realized that what I was eating wasn't just making me fat and miserable, it was making me sick. I was only 32, and suddenly I was worried if exercising was going to give me a heart attack. I had never worried about that before. At that point, I began to research foods that would be good for my heart and health -- something I really didn't think much about before. I started adding those to my diet. I continued to exercise. And I haven't had any more heart worries since that time. It was almost like it was just meant as a wake up call. It definitely did the trick!

I believe putting the focus on health rather than weight is essential to not just losing the weight, but keeping it off -- which I am determined to do. It will also help you feel happy even during weeks when the weight doesn't come off as quickly.

I have had acne problems almost my entire life, but my skin is by far the best right now that it has been in years. I've heard people say that diet doesn't actually effect your skin -- yeah right! That has been added motivation for me to get the right foods in my body every day.

  • Limited or no sugar. I don't mean just no candy bars. I mean that and all of the processed junk that comes loaded with high fructose corn syrup or other addictive crap in it.

  • Dedication and consistency. My dedication level is much deeper than it was a few years ago (mostly because of the health aspect). We went out to dinner with some friends a couple months ago, and Andrew ordered ice cream for dessert. He was sharing with the kids and telling me how amazing it was and wouldn't I like to try just a bite? I just shook my head. His friend looked at me, somewhat bewildered. Andrew turned to his friend and said, "And that's how you lose 25 lbs." His friend raised his eyebrows and nodded. "Ahh, so that's how it works."

I've gone to church functions that were chocolate night or ice cream night, I've gone out with family to ice cream shops or pizza places, and I'm always the only one not eating. At first I felt weird and out of place, and I felt like people thought I was self-righteous or something for not eating the chocolate or whatever. But it was all in my head. I have a very real addiction to sugar. When I have sugar, I want more. When I want more, I have more. And then I feel sick and depressed. So, for me, it made more sense to cut out the depression, the fat, and the acne all at the same time. And to be honest, it is not even tempting anymore, because I feel so much better and happier now. Last time around, I would have cake when it was offered and brownies if it was there, and the weight just didn't come off as quickly as I wanted. And because it was never all the way gone from my system (was still eating processed foods loaded with sweeteners), I always craved it, and I would still feel deprived if others had it and I didn't. I don't feel that way at all now.

  • I am also very consistent with my workouts. I exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, every day -- except Sunday. I've found that, while it takes time I sometimes feel like I don't have, my energy level is much higher, and I am actually more productive throughout the day.

43.8 lbs down to date. 9 inches off my waist and 7 inches from my hips.
Started this journey March 1, 2012

(Now, clearly the Oct. 2011 pic is not a flattering one, and I was wearing more than one layer...but I couldn't find a recent picture that really showed much of me. I don't have very many pictures of myself!)

I am currently about four pounds away from what my dream goal was when I started. I don't really know why it's continued to come off steadily -- everyone says it should go slower when you have less to lose (I have actually lost less than normal these past 2 weeks...). I've just stuck with the same plan the whole time, and it's worked for me. Now that I've made it this far, I realize I would like to lose even more (going for 10 more). I'm not going for super skinny -- I just want to be super fit! I've never had a six pack in my life, and I still can't imagine having one -- but wouldn't that be fun? Why not go for it? :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Week 6 weigh-in results!

All right, the results are in for week 6! We improved this week and saw some better weight loss than the past couple weeks. We lost 11.5 lbs as a group, and we've lost 85.8 lbs since we started!

The first few spots were close, but this week's top spot goes to Aaron! Great job!

1. Aaron     -1.69%
2. Jenny      -1.37%
3. Ann        -1.34%
4. Andy      -1.31%
5. Jenn        -1.14%
6. Melyssa  -0.49%
7. Mary      -0.23%
8. Tiffany     0.0  (out of town)
9. Alicia      +1.82%

Overall results -- I'm still in first, but Jenny and Andy are tied for #2! Way to go, ladies!

1. Jenn        -8.19%
2. Jenny       -6.69%
    Andy       -6.69%
4. Aaron      -6.53%
5. Tiffany     -6.14%
6. Ann         -5.14%
7. Melyssa   -5.02%
8. Mary       -3.7%
9. Alicia      +1.82%

(By the way, the percentages for overall weight loss last week and some earlier weeks were slightly off, though not enough to change rankings significantly. The ones posted today are correct. Sorry for the confusion. I have a better way to do it now. Sorry!)

Hope you all have a great, healthy week!! Hope you'll keep sharing your thoughts/questions/concerns on the blog. I love to hear how you are all doing!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


I apologize to our one male participant! This post only applies to the women here. Is anyone else RAVENOUS during or around the start of their period? It happens every time to me. I want to eat everything in sight. Not junk, necessarily, just FOOD! I'm calorie counting and normally if I stick to my daily goal, I'm fine. But, when I'm starting my period, I feel like I'm starving! A month ago, I failed during that week and ate way too many calories. This time around, I'm doing the same thing. Anyone have any great ideas for fighting the hunger? I'm hoping to do better when I have my period next month. And, at least for today, I'm trying to drink more. Hopefully that helps!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Week 5 Weigh-in Results

Okay, this will be quick today. I took Andrew to the airport way earlier than I am used to being awake, and I am too tired for much writing right now. Hopefully I'll have the energy to workout by tonight...hmmm.

We improved from last week, losing 9.6 lbs as a group. That brings our total weight loss to 74.3!

So here are this week's results!

Congrats to Melyssa for coming in first this week!

1. Melyssa               -1.45%
2. Tiffany                   -1.38%
3. Jenn                      -0.99%
4. Aaron                   -0.73%
5. Jenny                    -0.68%
6. Ann                      -0.53
7. Andy                    -0.15%
8. Alicia                     0.0
9. Mary                     0.0   (out of town)

And overall results --

1. Jenn                     -7.01%
2. Tiffany                  -6.21%
3. Andy                    -5.48%  (tied for third)
    Jenny                    -5.48%  (tied for third)
5. Aaron                   -4.96%
6. Melyssa                -4.6%
7. Ann                      -3.81%
8. Mary                    -3.48%
9. Alicia                     0.0%  


Just remember that your mind is in control of your body. Put your body in its place! :) Treat it right with nutrients, rest, water, and exercise, and you will feel and see a difference.

This is the best picture I could find today, okay? I'm tired! :)

I used to feel SO out of control with my body. I'd find myself alone in a gas station parking lot scarfing down a chocolate bar I had just bought after the kids went to bed because I NEEDED it. I would feel better afterwards -- for a few seconds anyway. That lack of control permeated every layer of my life! -- My emotions were all over the map: anger, depression, anxiety, FEAR etc, etc. I can't control the people or most of the things that just happen in life, but I decided that I will do my best to control myself -- in every way that a person can. And what I put into my body was the perfect place to start.

Get control of your body, fuel it with what it actually needs, feel better permanently, and you will have a new level of confidence you may never have experienced before.

Well, this wasn't as short a post as I had planned. Anyway, good luck! I'm rooting for all of you!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

My negative thought for the day. ;)

So, if I'm being honest, I don't like weekly weigh-ins. They remind me how bad I'm doing. Maybe one of these Fridays my poor numbers will be the catalyst for a successful subsequent week. Sigh.

A cherry smoothie to keep!

After trying several "pretty good" cherry smoothies, I finally found one that is REALLY good. I used frozen cherries and a frozen banana for a thicker, more ice cream like smoothie. YUM.

The Banana Berry Cherry Smoothie

This one is going into my meal rotation for sure!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Self sabotage

So, I can start a diet great and be all gung ho, but eventually, I fall into a category that I call self sabotage. It typically starts with a bad weight, or a disappointing loss. Then, although I tell myself that I'm still all for it, a part of me begins to fall apart. I'll start eating things that are not healthy, in much larger quantities than I should, and then be mad and grumpy with everyone because I hate what I'm doing to myself. And while I know it's wrong, and can say I'm going to quit it, it's like this huge rut and the sides are so high that I can't seem to get out. so, I found myself in that place last weekend. It's frustrating and angering, because I don't know how to keep myself from going to that place. On Sunday, after two days of feeling like this and hating myself (I can't ever decide if I want to scream or break down and cry), I found myself sitting in church only casually listening to the speakers. My daughter was playing on my phone and I'll admit that I was paying more attention to her... She was scrolling through my pictures and all of a sudden, came across the picture of the scale from when we first started our venture. I realized that I didn't want to go back to that place. I'm not that far from it, but just don't want to go back. And all of a sudden, I realized that I have the power. Monday morning, I began a new step to my workouts, to change up my routine, and I'm hoping that it will help me focus. I don't expect to lose this week, since I have to pay for my "costly weekend". But I am better than I give myself credit for and I just have to remind myself of that daily.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Avacado bean salad

Here is one of our favorite recipes!  It is good with tortilla chips, but we've been using it lately as a taco salad topping and it is great.  You can also eat it just as is and it's yummy!  It does make a lot so if only one or two of you are eating it then I suggest you half the recipe (or make a batch without the avacadoes and only add them in as you eat your portion). I also don't put in as much seasoning as the recipe directs.  I usually just make up the dressing and put in 1/2 or 3/4 of it.  It gets a little soupy otherwise.  You can substitute Italian dressing from a bottle if you want.

1 Can black beans (rinsed & drained)
1 can black-eyed peas (rinsed & drained)
1 can sweet corn (rinsed & drained)
3 or more tomatoes chopped
2-4 avacadoes chopped
1 small bunch fresh cilantro chopped, if desired
Good Seasons dry Italian mix (2 packets); sold by the salad dressing bottles.

Mix all produce ingredients together.  Prepare one Italian mix according to directions on the back.  Add partial or full second package for seasoning.  Pour over the chopped ingredients.  Serve as salad or with chips.  Can serve sour cream & salsa on the side.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Week 4 weigh-in results

Well, this wasn't everyone's best week so far...we only lost 6 pounds as a group, which brings our total weight loss up to 64.7 lbs since we started.

But no matter what your weight loss experience was like this week, do NOT get down on yourself! Sometimes seeing a small weight loss or even a weight gain one week is enough to get you moving again the next week. Refocus, go back to your plan if you got away from it, try something different if what you are doing isn't getting results, but don't give up!!

I had a slightly higher weight loss than normal, which gave me the top spot this week for the first time (yay!), and I've moved into first overall. Who's coming for me next week?? ;)

Just remember, we still have 7 weeks to go! We're not even half way through. Our overall percentages are so close, it is anyone's game.

This week  --

1. Jenn        -1.93%
2. Jenny       -1.67%
3. Aaron      -0.52%
4. Andy       -0.29%
5. Tiffany     -0.15%
6. Mary       -0.11%
7. Alicia        0.0%
8. Melyssa    0.0% (out of town)
9. Ann         +1.08%

Overall --

1. Jenn         -6.02%
2. Andy        -5.33%
3. Tiffany      -4.83%
4. Jenny        -4.80%
5. Aaron       -4.23%
6. Mary        -3.48%
7. Ann          -3.28%
8. Melyssa    -3.15%
9. Alicia          0.0%

So if you had a bad week, dust yourself off and get ready for the next 7 days! They can be as good as you want them to be! Good luck! 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

"Pretty in Pink" Smoothie -- Yes, please!!

(Photo credit: Angela Liddon)

I LOVE smoothies (I've only started making them regularly the last few months since I started my weight loss journey), and I have been trying lots of different kinds lately. I recently got a bunch of cherries from a neighbor's cherry tree (I didn't steal them, I swear!), and I tried a few different cherry smoothies (haven't quite found a keeper yet, though). Summer is the best time!! I love all the fresh yummy fruits available.

Anyway, this smoothie combined 3 of my favorite fruits and ones that people are likely to have around during the summer (no cherries in this one, actually -- unless you put it on the glass like the picture shows...). This was super easy, refreshing, and tasty. I got it from the Oh She Glows blog, which has yummy, healthy (vegan) recipes.

Pretty in Pink

3 cups watermelon, seeded and chopped into large chunks
1/2 cup fresh or frozen strawberries
1 large peeled, frozen banana
Add all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth.
Yield: 3 cups

Anyway, here is the link to the actual recipe with commentary --  Pretty in Pink -- There's another smoothie recipe on that same page that I'm going to try this week. It has basil in it! I can't help but be curious how that one tastes. I'll let you know how it turns out.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Happy Fourth of July everyone! I'm on vacation right now and I was doing perrrrfectly with my diet & exercise, but the longer I'm away from home, the harder it's getting to stay focused. I've made some poor food choices yesterday & today. This is bad!!! I need a kick in the pants from all of you! Remind me why I'm here! Sigh. Thanks.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Week 3 Weigh-in Results!

Alright, the results are in!

As a group we lost 12.1 pounds this week. We've lost 58.7 lbs since we started. Our progress has definitely slowed down, but we're still losing! Maybe birthday week wasn't so good to us. ;) I know I had a lower weight loss week than normal. I just got a new weight loss video (trying 30 Day Shred now), and I'm ready to kick it up a notch this week! Sometimes you just need to change up your routine a little bit. I hope we're in for a big week next week! 

Congrats go to Andy, though, for taking the top spot again this week and moving into first overall! Good job!!

1. Andy         -1.22%
2. Tiffany       -1.21%
3. Aaron        -1.13%
4. Jenn           -1.09%
5. Jenny         -0.99%
6. Ann            -0.8%
7. Melyssa     -0.36%
8. Alicia          0.0
9. Mary         +0.79%

and overall standing --

1. Andy          -5.04%
2. Tiffany        -4.68%
3. Ann            -4.37%
4. Jenn            -4.36%
5. Aaron         -3.71%
6. Mary          -3.37%
7. Melyssa      -3.15%
8. Jenny          -3.13%
9. Alicia            0.0

What successes have you guys been having? Are the inches coming off? Clothes getting looser? Able to run farther? Endure Jillian longer? Please share! This week I ran a mile without stopping -- for the first time in my life. Woohoo!!

What are you going to do this week??

Monday, June 25, 2012

Birthday week!

I realized 3 out of the 9 of us in this competition have a birthday this week! Jenny's was yesterday, Mary's is today, and Tiffany's is on Wednesday! Happy birthday you guys!!

It made me wonder if, when people are trying to lose weight, they still splurge on their birthday and have cake and ice cream (no judgment from me if you do! :)), or do you get creative and try to do something a little healthier? Something with fewer calories? Just eat less of it?

If we were actually on the Biggest Loser there would no doubt be a temptation this week if nearly 30% of the contestants had a birthday all in one week. :) Since I can't surround you all with chocolate cake and ice cream until the smell nearly puts you into a coma, I'd just like to know how you all deal with these types of temptations in real life.

Yesterday we celebrated my son's 2nd birthday, and everyone had chocolate cupcakes and ice cream. For me, if I have a little bit of sugary stuff, I usually lose all control and eat way too much! So it just works better for ME to avoid it altogether. Maybe I'm the only one?

Last week, my parents moved to Utah, and we had a big celebration. There was cake and ice cream (we were also celebrating birthdays -- June's big for birthdays!). I knew I didn't enjoy watching people eat cake and ice cream while I had nothing, so I saved up a few extra calories during the day and brought stuff to make this Pineapple, Banana, and Coconut smoothie. It was sweet, tasty, and refreshing, and I didn't feel deprived at all. 

Here's something else I've tried that will probably sound really weird to you guys, but it has worked for me a couple of times: if ever I'm around chocolate or something that I used to eat a lot of and it's tempting me...I remember in my head exactly what it tastes like (I've had enough of it to have total recall for the rest of my life, I think), and just remembering it for a minute totally helps. I kind of feel like I had some. I then also remember how I feel after I've eaten a bag of Halloween candy all by myself (I have a little bit of an addiction to chocolate) -- the depression and self-loathing I feel afterwards, and then the temptation is gone.  

Has anyone come up with good alternatives they want to share? What works for you?

This "cake" looks pretty tasty to me! Just found this on Google Images, but I would love to try it.
Hope you all had, are having, or will have a great birthday this week!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Week 2 Weigh-in Results!

Another great week! You all must be doing something right. This week's results are below, and overall weight loss results are below that. This week we lost a total of 17.9 pounds. Since we started we've lost 46.6 lbs as a group!!

Andy took the #1 spot this week! Way to go, Andy!

Hope you'll all continue to share what is going right or wrong this week so we can all learn from each other. Keep up the awesome work!!

1. Andy         -1.83%
2. Jenn          -1.74%
3. Mary        -1.73%
4. Jenny        -1.41%
5. Tiffany      -1.35%
6. Aaron       -1.32%
7. Ann          -1.06%
8. Melyssa    -0.6%
9. Alicia          0.0%

And overall standing --

1. Mary       -4.13%
2. Andy        -3.86%
3. Ann          -3.6%
4. Tiffany      -3.51%
5. Jenn          -3.3%
6. Melyssa    -2.8%
7. Aaron       -2.61%
8. Jenny        -2.16%
9. Alicia          0.0%

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tip for the Week: Drink WATER!!

In one of the documentaries I watched about health stuff, there was one (Food Matters) that recommended drinking 1 liter of water FIRST thing in the morning, before eating. It's supposed to help clean out your system, help you feel full, and help ensure you get the water you need in a day. I find it much easier to get the recommended 8-12 cups of water if I have 4 cups of water right off the bat.

It's also supposed to help cut down belly fat. Yay!

You will be spending a LOT more time in the bathroom, though! :)

Anyway, this odd picture was taken last night because a man from our ward showed up at our door asking us to model his survival backpack that he's trying to raise money for on But it did remind me to add this tip to the blog. That's why I chose water as the background for this blog -- at the time I made it water was all I thought about! :)

I definitely think all the water has helped me with weight loss, though. Give it a try this week!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Late start, but ready to go!

Hey, everyone! I am finally taking Jenn's hint and introducing myself. My name is Tiffany Opp (used to be Taylor). Jenn and I were in the same ward for several years in high school and became great friends, and yes, I would say that we still are even though we're far apart and haven't seen each other in forever. We had a LOT of fun times, staying up late, watching X-Files, eating billions of sunflower seeds, and hanging out with church friends (Hi Jenny!).
I live in sunny Florida with my husband and 4 kids. I have been trying (I use that term loosely) for the last year to lose the last of my pregnancy weight. I have sadly come to realize that I have reached the point in my life where I can no longer eat whatever I like and still drop lbs. Until now that hasn't translated into me actually eating less though :).
I have always been pretty active, having 4 kids to chase helps, but I am often so busy and/or tired that I don't feel like exercising. I force myself to go to the gym but its usually only 1-2 times a week, which is obviously not enough. I am really hoping that this competiton will help me stay motivated so that I can get back to feeling better about myself, and fitting in the clothes still sitting in a bin in my garage. Week 1 was good and I am excited to keep going, and look forward to hearing more about/ from all of you. Best of luck to everyone!

Yummy Chili Recipe

Hey everyone, I found a great chili recipe that was so tasty and filling! I thought I would post the recipe here for you to enjoy. Sweet Chili with Pineapple Ingredients 16 oz ground turkey (I used 97% fat free) 3-1/2 cups diced peeled tomatoes in juice 1-1/4 cups diced tomatoes and green chilies 1-3/4 cups black beans 1-3/4 cups pinto beans 2-1/4 cups pineapple in juice 8 tsp taco seasoning 5 tsp Splenda brown sugar 1-1/2 cups water Directions 1. Cook and drain ground turkey; put in pot. 2. Drain pineapple and top layer of liquid from pinto beans and black beans and add to pot. 3. Add diced tomatoes and tomatoes and green chilies. 4. Add Splenda brown sugar and taco seasoning and water. 5. Sprinkle in flaked red pepper for spice according to taste. 6. Cook for 45 minutes on medium heat, stirring occasionally. Variations: I used dry beans instead of canned beans (to reduce sodium). to use dry beans, use 1 cup of each type and soak overnight. The dry beans will increase your cooking times. No used my crock pot and cooked on low for four hours. Also, I used one package of taco seasoning instead of measuring the 8 tsp. last, I used regular brown sugar since I didn'tbave any Splenda. I subbed 3 tbsp. Enjoy!!! Andy

Friday, June 15, 2012

Week 1 Weigh-in Results!!

Well, I have to say -- you guys ROCKED it this week!! What an amazing first week -- we lost a combined total of 28.7 pounds!! That's about as much as my two year old weighs. We lost a two year old!

We are having computer woes right now, so I may change how I do results in the future, but for now I just wanted to get the results posted.

Order goes highest to lowest -- in terms of weight loss percentage. This week's top spot goes to ANN!! Congrats, Ann!!

1. Ann            -2.57%
2. Mary          -2.45%
3. Melyssa      -2.22%
4. Tiffany        -2.19%
5. Andy          -2.07%
6. Jenn           -1.59%
7. Aaron        -1.31%
8. Jenny         -0.76%
9. Alicia          0.0%

FYI -- I jumped the gun in the video by adding Marylee (the boxer) before she had completely decided on doing it. So she is not competing after all, but my good friend (I can still call you a good friend even if I haven't seen you in over 9 years, right?), Tiffany, stepped up and took her spot! (Maybe she'll introduce herself soon....hint hint. :)) So we still have 9 contestants for $135 in the pot. Some money to buy some new clothes for your new body!! :)

For those that didn't feel like they had a great week, don't worry! This contest will have tons of ups and downs -- it might be you on top next week! Just keep pushing it! And remember, if you haven't done so already, to MEASURE yourself -- EVERYWHERE. There will be weeks when no weight comes off (on the scale), but your body IS changing. Seeing those numbers change is very encouraging!

Great job EVERYONE!! Now, for real, I want to know what everyone is doing for their diet and exercise. Please share!!


Hi! I'm Jenn's aunt-in-law and I'm so glad she has put together this competition! I live in Bloomington, IL. I, too, have always been on the solid side, or as one of my kids put it, "his soft mommy." That doesn't sound so bad! I have tried plenty of "lifestyle changes" in my time, but at the end of the day I still really like french fries and a good baguette, yum! A few years ago I tried weight watchers and reached my goal weight the same week I found out I was pregnant with my fifth child. I tried it again after he was born, but I just couldn't count those dang points anymore! I got pregnant again at my higher weight and had the distinct privelege of topping a certain pound number I had never wanted to see. I went back to WW when my baby was 5 weeks old, and didn't lose one, single, solitary pound for five months! So in January I started doing the South Beach Diet which works for me -- when I stick to it (aye, there's the rub!). I lost about 16 pounds and then have completely stalled! I am turning 40 in about 10 days and I really want to reach my goal weight this summer. I am done having kids, I have the smaller sizes just waiting expectantly in my closet, and I know I can do it! This is the motivation I need to get past the days when I just don't feel like worrying about it! Very excited!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Low-cal Healthy Snacks

I found a gold mine on when I first started counting my calories. I printed everything out so it's easily accessible and I have a visual reminder of healthy snacks I can eat. When it's not clear, I figured out the exact calories in the snack and listed them beside the picture.

Here are the links:

Healthy Lunches under 400 Calories

There are many more articles with recipes on this site. Good luck!

Also, in response to Jenn's great breakfast recipes, I want to add what I do. I gave up cereal because I find I'm hungry an hour later. Even though I ate healthy-ish cereal with lots of fiber, it was too high in calories and not satisfying (long-term) enough for me. I do better with smaller meals throughout the day. My favorite breakfast is from one of the snack links above. It is the non-fat greek yogurt with 1 T maple syrup and sprinkled with cinnamon. I LOVE this and it keeps me full longer than cereal did. It's gotta be the protein in the greek yogurt. Sometimes I will have the Happy Shake Jenn mentioned or another protein shake for breakfast. I don't like heavy breakfasts- they actually make me feel nauseous. I'm just weird, I'm sure. :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Some breakfast ideas

If you are anything like me, eating the right foods is difficult in the beginning. I just had no idea what I was supposed to be eating! A few years ago when I tried to lose weight, I decided I would eat essentially the same foods (just smaller portion sizes and no sweets), but I would exercise every day. I did lose weight -- 30 lbs -- but it took me a lot longer than 3 months! It was more like 7-8 (can't remember now).

This time around I knew I had to change what I was eating. I watched a show called "Hungry for Change," which I loved! It totally inspired and motivated me to eat healthier. One guy in the documentary said to start by just adding in the good stuff. I thought that was great advice because it can be so overwhelming (and discouraging) trying to completely overhaul your diet all at once. And I used to always think of "dieting" in terms of everything I can't have. But there are so many healthy, tasty foods out there to start adding in! I started by adding in more whole grains. And I added a lot more fruits and veggies. Another guy in the video said to change your mindset from, "I want that, but I can't have it" to "I can have that, but I don't want it." That has helped me, and now it is very true!

I have found that I don't feel deprived at all! In fact, I enjoy what I am eating now A LOT more than the foods I ate before. The food is colorful and flavorful -- I love it! My husband is much happier, too! To me that spells success -- I never want to go back!

I feel like I'm using a lot of exclamation points!!!!!  :)

First of all, I follow Jillian Michaels' advice (from her Ripped in 30 diet plan) and keep my meals limited to around 400 calories. I usually am around 350 calories for breakfast and lunch and then have a slightly higher calorie dinner -- between 400-500. This has worked for me, but I'm no expert.

I know some people avoid carbs when dieting, but I personally have a hard time doing that. I just buy whole grain things -- avoiding kinds that add sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or hydrogenated oil. I try to avoid foods that have a lot of ingredients.

Here are a few ideas. The first two are from Michaels' meal plan. These probably don't look appetizing from my pictures, but they really are tasty!

 Breakfast burrito -- 4 egg whites scrambled, topped with tomatoes, turkey bacon, and green onions.
Whole grain waffles topped with real butter, bananas and fresh blueberries (squished to give a more syrupy feel). :) I also made this with just mashed raspberries on top -- YUM.

And my personal favorite and what I eat nearly every day for either breakfast or lunch -- The "Happy Shake." This has 4 cups spinach, 1.5 cups frozen blueberries, and 1/2 cup banana and some other goodness  (raw cacao and maca powder) you'll have to look at the recipe for. If you do decide to make this, just make sure you do 1 tsp. of maca powder -- NOT what they have in the recipe. The recipe calls for more than the daily recommendation of the stuff -- and it's strong stuff. Also, I use coconut oil rather than a raw egg, but that's up to you. I use coconut oil as a moisturizer now, too! Love it! You can't taste the spinach at all. You'll just feel great and super healthy after eating it. :) And it tastes chocolately (the raw cacao), so I feel like I'm getting some of that in my diet, too! :)

I was hoping to get my own little "intro" up before now, but I will do it soon.

I am always looking for yummy, healthy recipes, and I would love to hear what you all are eating!

Update: If any of you want to try the Happy Shake and don't know where to get the raw cacao powder, coconut oil, and maca powder, I get my stuff from If you've never bought from there and want to, let me know -- I'll send you a $10 off your first order online coupon. And I'll get $10 off my next one, too. :) 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again...

So, I've been trying to lose weight for several months now and I've been losing it at a snail's pace- like 1 lb a month. When I heard and SAW how great Jenn was doing, I decided I needed to count calories again too. I started counting calories religiously 2&1/2 weeks ago. In the first 2 weeks, I lost 5 lbs. Yippee! But, since then, something has changed and I've been struggling: my kids are out of school for the summer! Yes, I do LOVE having my kids home- I look forward to summer vacation every year, but my schedule has been turned upside down and I've been all out of whack. Case in point: Today I took two of my girls to the pool and I was sitting on the sidelines tending my infant twins. After a while, I realized I was hungry, but all I brought were goldfish crackers for the twins. Well, about 80 goldfish crackers later, I still didn't feel satisfied and I wasted a bunch of calories on a pile of carbs! Boo. And, I realized I was out of my quick go-to healthy, low-cal snacks.

Tonight, I made a trip to Costco and restocked and I wrote down some good food options and NOW I'm ready to do this thing! It's sad, once I actually started a competition, I started eating more poorly. Sheesh- talk about setting myself up for failure. Anyway, just wanted to share how I've been doing. Successful diet and exercise only works when there's a plan in place. I know I have to write down everything I eat and plan ahead or I will fail. My Dad used to always remind us of the "5 Ps": Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance. I'd hear that with school and sports on a regular basis. :) It's true! So, if you haven't come up with the right plan yet, it's not too late! In 11 weeks, let's all look back at our "before pictures" and feel proud of how far we've come!

Hey y'all!

I've known Jenn since the time when she still had a y in her name; we grew up in the same church ward in Omaha.  Her birthday was a few months ahead of mine, so back then she was Jenny #1 and I was Jenny #2.  Unless I'm not remembering that reason right...there are a lot of other reasons she could have been #1!

I'm writing on behalf of myself and my husband, Aaron.  We have three young kids and have been in Texas for a year (not quite long enough to say "howdy" instead of "hey y'all", or to have a picture with a shotgun) after living in Illinois for 6 years.  We met when we both joined the racquetball team at BYU -- the men's and women's teams practice together -- and have always had a fairly active lifestyle, but we're not exactly exercise/health gurus.   My husband expects nothing less out of this competition than to lose enough weight to win the men's division!  My main goal is to change the poor eating habits I've adopted during these years at home with my kids.   Like Ann, I've always loved sports and exercise, but I felt like I started to lose that part of myself when I was instructed to stop exercising during my first pregnancy and gained more weight than I expected.  It's been kind of rocky ever since.  My biggest problem is in what I call "grazing" that I do while at home, the somewhat mindless eating that happens as I spend time preparing food for my family.  I'm glad for the motivation this competition is giving us!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Hello everyone, My name is Andy. I am happily married with a beautiful daughter who is 6 years old. We live in the country and I love spending time outside and in my garden. I have always struggled with my weight. In high school, I always seemed to be on the heavier side of life. (Of course, now, I'd love to have that weight back!) I hate it and hate how I continue to let myself go, but haven't seemed to find the right recipe for me. I know that I have self confidence issues and I'm very much an emotional eater. And I'm really good at justifying! I have tried running because I always hear how great it is. Last year, I started the Couch to 5K program, but after three months and only getting to Week Two, I struggled so much with breathing that I didn't keep it up. My daughter always says that I should go on the Biggest Loser so I can get healthy and so I figure this is as close as I'm gonna get. I'm excited to be a part but fear I will struggle. Hopefully all your excitement can help me out. Andy

I'm ALL in! :)

Hi Biggest Loser Friends!  I'm Ann.  Jenn was my mission Mom, or trainer, in Hong Kong.  Sister Ericksen and Sister Erickson.  :-)  We had some good times.  Jenn was the best!  My battle of the bulge has been a lifelong one.  I have always loved to exercise and play sports but I have also always loved junk food.  And as Jillian Michaels says, “you can eat your way through any amount of exercise.”  I am a very emotional eater.  I use food, especially sweets, almost like a drug to numb feelings of stress.  To help battle my emotional eating, I have followed the Weight Watchers program for several years.  Before I got pregnant with my first, I got to my goal weight which was within a healthy BMI weight range.  I have not been in that healthy weight range again after having my two kids.  But I am so close and hope this challenge will be the motivation I need to stop my emotional eating and get back to my goal weight.  I am also motivated by my desire to be a healthy example for my kids and to stop the cycle of lifestyle diseases like diabetes and heart disease that have been in my family for generations.  Also, I have a degree in Exercise Science, Fitness and Wellness Management.  I need to be a better reflection of that and do better at keeping myself fit and well.  :-)  Good luck to everyone!  I'm so excited to get to know you all and hear your successes.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Woman Holding the Shotgun...yep, that's me!

Let me introduce myself: I'm Melyssa, Jenn's sister-in-law. I have 5 girls, ages 12 yrs down to 10 months. After each of my pregnancies, I've been able to lose my baby weight pretty effortlessly. Eat right and exercise and the pounds fall off. Last year, in August, I had twin girls and I am finding it much more difficult to lose all of my weight. I'm 35 now, so maybe that's why? I also got bigger with them than with my others. Go figure. So, for this competition, I'm counting calories and exercising regularly. I've been a regular runner since I was 6, so running has always been my go-to exercise. I'm nursing an ankle-injury at the moment, so I'm taking it slow and running low miles, but I'm registered for a 1/2 marathon in August, so I've gotta get some miles in some time! I'm seeing a specialist in a couple weeks and hope I'll be lacing up for some long runs after that. I'm excited to be part of Biggest Loser FRIENDS and look forward to meeting each of you! And, maybe when we finish this up, we can all go out for ice cream salad! :)

Wait a sec. I know exactly why I'm overweight. I love food. I'd say I have a borderline food addiction.  I know exactly how I'm supposed to eat- I was raised by health-nut parents- but I have definitely ignored some of their teachings over the years and I'm paying for it now. I'm trying very hard to eat more leafy greens and fruits and lean proteins. And less sugar. So, that's it. I love food, but need to change the foods I love.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Biggest Loser Friends Kick Off Video!

This is my very first video I've ever put together, so it's not perfect...but I just wanted to do something fun to get you guys pumped for this week and this summer -- and so you could see who you're competing against. I had a pretty fun time making it, so you might have to put up with more Jenn videos this summer.

And in case you wonder why I chose the pictures of you all that I did, I was looking for some sort of outdoor active shot, but if you didn't have one posted on Facebook then I just picked a cute one. :)

I hope you'll all take a chance this week as we get underway to post an introduction so everyone can get to know you.


Friday, June 1, 2012

Competition rules

Need some extra motivation to lose some weight?

I participated in a Biggest Loser competition hosted by a blogger several years ago, and I found it very motivating to report my weight loss every week and compete for some cash! I thought her system worked quite well, so I am just using the same rules. 

Hope you'll join us!

Here is the info in a nutshell:

We will kick everything off on Friday, June 8th with the initial weigh-in and "before" photos (to get your starting point). The first official weigh-in will be Friday, June 15th, and the contest will run for 11 weeks from there. The final weigh-in will be Friday, August 31, 2012.

The entrance fee is $15.73 per person -- all money collected (minus the $0.73 that PayPal charges me -- or you can mail me $15 even if you prefer) will be awarded to the winner of the competition for a little extra motivation. So if you know someone that is interested -- let them know about it. The more players the more money in the pot!

Some other specifics:

1. You must be honest about your weigh-ins. 
2. You must e-mail me a picture of your scale with the weight on the first and last weigh-in. You must also send "before" pictures from the front, back, and side (in workout clothes -- something form fitting -- or swim suit). There will be no exceptions to this rule. If you do not provide pictures then you cannot participate. Trust me, at the end you will be so glad you did so you can see the difference.

Nobody but me will see your pictures -- unless you win, in which case, you must agree to allowing your before and after pictures to be posted for the other contestants to see.

3. You can choose any weight loss diet, except for anything requiring surgery. This includes weight loss surgery such as lap bands, liposuction, gastric bypass, etc. I will not be responsible if in this process you actually gain weight or if you lose too much weight. Choose your program wisely.

4. The whole purpose of this contest is to lose weight in a healthy way and change your lifestyle. You may not take any weight loss drugs. This includes but is not limited to: Alli (Orlistat), Phentermine, Meridia (Sibutramine). If you chose to use a weight loss drug you will be disqualified. Herbal supplements are acceptable. If you have questions whether something is allowed, please contact me before you begin taking it.

5. Weigh-ins will be every Friday. You must weigh-in EVERY week and email your weight to me by NOON on Friday. If you do not weigh-in you will be eliminated! If you are going to miss a weigh-in, just let me know and you will retain the same weight as the prior weigh-in. Please email me with your weight every week. I will compile a percentage lost chart every week after I get everyone’s numbers and email it out to everyone no later than Friday evening.

6. Weigh-in wearing your bathing or birthday suit.

7. You must start and end the competition on the same scale.

8. You must be at least 6 weeks postpartum.

9. If you drop out of the competition, money WILL NOT be refunded.

10. If you get pregnant or injured during the competition, money WILL NOT be refunded.

11. The final weigh-in day is Friday, August 31st

If you are ready to drop some pounds and get support while doing it -- please email me ASAP at, and I will send you an invite to be a contributor on the blog and instructions on how to pay the entrance fee. Let's do this thing!!