Monday, June 11, 2012

I'm ALL in! :)

Hi Biggest Loser Friends!  I'm Ann.  Jenn was my mission Mom, or trainer, in Hong Kong.  Sister Ericksen and Sister Erickson.  :-)  We had some good times.  Jenn was the best!  My battle of the bulge has been a lifelong one.  I have always loved to exercise and play sports but I have also always loved junk food.  And as Jillian Michaels says, “you can eat your way through any amount of exercise.”  I am a very emotional eater.  I use food, especially sweets, almost like a drug to numb feelings of stress.  To help battle my emotional eating, I have followed the Weight Watchers program for several years.  Before I got pregnant with my first, I got to my goal weight which was within a healthy BMI weight range.  I have not been in that healthy weight range again after having my two kids.  But I am so close and hope this challenge will be the motivation I need to stop my emotional eating and get back to my goal weight.  I am also motivated by my desire to be a healthy example for my kids and to stop the cycle of lifestyle diseases like diabetes and heart disease that have been in my family for generations.  Also, I have a degree in Exercise Science, Fitness and Wellness Management.  I need to be a better reflection of that and do better at keeping myself fit and well.  :-)  Good luck to everyone!  I'm so excited to get to know you all and hear your successes.


  1. Ohhh, thanks, Ann! Explaining our Chinese names to people was one of the more confusing parts of my mission -- especially on the phone. "No, NGAAIH Jimuih, daaih ngaan geng (sp?) ge Ngaaih."

    Anyway, I totally relate to emotional junk food eating to relieve stress. That's exactly what got me overweight.

    Glad you are here! I know you'll do great!!

  2. I'm totally an emotional/bored eater too. Working on that! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I relate to the emotional eating too. I look forward to hearing what you have to share from your educational background.
